If you remember the talk given at the last general conference by Elder Brent H. Nielson, I just had a wonderful opportunity to meet him. He is a new member of the first quorum of the Seventy and part of our area presidency now and he arrived in Perth today, to speak at the EFY and so he'll be here for Elder Cook's visit this weekend. We got to have dinner with him and his wife at the mission home with President and Sister Maurer and it was quite an experience. Even more incredible though was that my companion Elder Cook was his neighbor back in Twin falls Idaho growing up before his service was full time for the church. So when we had the opportunity to drive them to their hotel after it was an extra special conversation we had. We got to talk to him about his proccess of being called to the seventy and preparing to speak at general conference. His experiences being trained by Apostles and participating in assigning people to missions. We got to hear about his office in between Elder Scott and Elder Holland and being able to take the sacrament in the temple once a month with the prophet there and having testimony meetings there. He's just an amazing man and I just couldn't believe the experience and the things I learned from it. Its an incredible blessing that i have been given this past week to be a part of. We are really excited for Elder Cook's visit with Bishop Burton, I can't imagine the things I will learn from them this weekend. On Saturday theres a missionary meeting, for just missionaries for 2 hours. My companion and I will sit on the stand with Elder Cook, Bishop Burton, Elder Nielson,Elder Meurs, and Presiden't and Sister Maurer. Its still processing in my mind.. just absolutely amazing. Well I love you and pray everything goes well. The last couple days have been in the 40's.. thats about 110 degrees farenheit!! love you
Elder Singleton

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