Thursday, August 28, 2008

Going forth. :-)
Emailing on Laundry day
Elder Singleton and Elder Singleton!!!

Elder fullmer and Elder Singleton

Elder Singleton's "mormon rap"
I want to tell you a story about Joseph Smith
I'm here to testify that it's not a myth
ONe day he was redin in the Holy Bibile
He had a question about the local chruch rival
He read in James Section 1 verse 5
It said if he prayed an anwer would arrive
So he went to a grove and nelt down to pray
A sudden dark force tried to take him away!
BUt then it stopped!
He saw a pillar of light exactly above his head
He received his answer and this is what it said!
THe church he sought could not be found
because the proper aughority wasnt around
THe churches nearby just weren't right
Their lips draw near but their hearts are tight
'cause of Joseph Smith we have the tru church
Millions of people no longer need search!
THe Book of MOrmon is evidence
It teaches truth so don't take offense!
The Bible's great but it's not the only book
We've got another testament so take a look!
We testify that this Church is true!
and now we've been called to bring it to you!
--Elder Jacob W. Singleton---

More of the MTC

A visit to the temple:

Jake at the MTC

Jake and the 4 missionaries going to Perth People living nearby like to leave notes for the elders. :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Elder Jacob Wade Singleton
MTC Mailbox # 171
AST-PER 0825
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793
IN Australia, Mission Office:
Elder Jacob Wade Singleton
Australia Perth Mission
PO Box 185Tuart Hill
WA 6939

With his lovely dork dot. :)

Stuff we are doing.

Melissa met the leads in the musical, WICKED.
Glen had a blast at EFY
Michael got a new gun.
Amber is planning away the wedding.
Jake is in the MTC